Arthur St. Clair Perry
"He was the first electrical contractor in this city." - Los Angeles Times, January 11, 1935 (Part II, Page 10)
Bio in Brief
Born: October 11, 1873
Birthplace: Richmond, Virginia
Early childhood: Sommerville, MA (1880 Census)
Father: John Perry Jr.
Born: ~1818 in Lincolnshire, England
Died: September 18, 1883, in Sommerville, Mass.
Mother: Henrietta Hayden
Born: June 5, 1842 in Quincy, Mass.
Died: December 17, 1872, in Henrico, VA.
Died: January 10, 1935
Cause: Pneumonia
Funeral: January 12, 1935
Burial: Angelus Rosedale Cemetery
Memorial: 1669 Wellington Road
Pallbearers: Orra E. Monette, Robert Marsh, Gen. Robert Wankowski, Stephen Henry Perrine, Orlando C. Vogel, and Harvey E. Peck
Arrived in Los Angeles ~1888
Wife1: Linda B. Welisch (b. February 12, 1878 in Arizona; d. July 29, 1967 in Reno, NV)
Marriage announced June 21, 1903; License Issued June 30, 1903; Married July 1, 1903
"Owing to serious illness in the groom's [Perry] family, the wedding, which will take place July 1, will be a private home affair, with only immediate relatives present." - Los Angeles Times, June 21, 1903 (Part III, Page 2)
"[the wedding] was performed yesterday, at 10:30 a.m., at the country home of the groom's aunt by the Rev. Dr. Hugh K. Walker of Immanuel Presbyterian Church. . . . Profuse and artistic decorations predominated throughout the house. . . . [Perry has] been identified with the electrical contracting business, evidence of his work being found throughout Southern California. During the past eighteen months his time has been largelydeveoted to the perfection of an electrical invention, he expects to place in the East. Mr. Perry is a member of the Masonic bodies and Chrine of this city, and of the Jonathan Club. Mrs. Perry was some,
while white carnations and aiden-hair ferns were fastened with long ribbon of white satin to form a bouquet. . . ." - Los Angeles Times, July 2, 1903 (Part II, Page 3)Father: Theodore Welisch ( of San Francisco in 1903)
Uncle: William Zeckendorf (of New York City in 1904)
Visited in May, 1904: "is pay a short visit to his niece, . . . of No. 1332 Newton street. [He] crossed the plains in 1856. Twenty years have passed since his last visit to Los Angeles."
Contributed a letter to Los Angeles Evening Express, "Household Hints" - "Contributions by Women Readers of the Express"
Title: Blindfolded to Fit
"Do you want to surprise someone for Christmas by making a new garment for her, and even though you are obliged to try it on several times, still keep her in ignorance of what it is? I solved the problem recently with my little girl and surprised her with a pretty new dress for her birthday. I accomplished it by blindfolding her whenever it was necessary to have a fitting. It was a great success and a surprise for she had no idea what was being made."
Daughter: Virginia Henriette
Born: ~1905
Married: May 25, 1923 in Minden, Nev. (LADT, 5/31/23, Pt. II, p. 9)
Husband: Christian Frank Uecker (LADT, 5/31/23, Pt. II, p. 9)
Parents Residence: 68 Vine Street, Reno, NV (LADT, 5/31/23, Pt. II, p. 9)
Son: Robert Perry Uecker
Born: 1926
Daughter: Betty Louise Claus
Born: February 18, 1924
Died: July 20, 2019
Arthur St. Clair Perry Jr.
Born: January 5, 1909, in Los Angeles, CA
Died: February 18, 1947, in Bastrop, TX
WIFE2: Perle Winona Socola (b. ~1885 in Penn.; d. May 2, 1976, in Los Angeles, CA)
Married: December 24, 1923, in Alameda, CA.
Aunt: Helen Eliza Hayden (LAT 9/19/09, Pt. II, p. 2)
Died ~November 20, 1923 (LADT, 11/20/23, Pt. I, p. 20)
Aunt: Harriet A. Hayden (LAT 9/19/09, Pt. II, p. 2)
Born January 19, 1944 in Quincy, MA (LAT 1/18/32, Pt. I, p. 12)
Died January 16, 1932 (LAT 1/18/32, Pt. I, p. 12)
Addresses and Real Estate Transactions
1896: 449 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, [no longer standing]
1904: 1332 Newton St., Los Angeles [no longer standing]
1906-1910: 1330 Newton St., Los Angeles [no longer standing]
????: 4451 Victoria Park Drive, Los Angeles [no longer standing]
1917-1920: 1245 West 5th Avenue, Los Angeles [no longer standing]
1925-1930: 1669 Wellington Road
LAT 7/26/25 (Pt. V, p. 7): Contract" . . . for two-story, eight-room frame and stucco residence . . . for Mrs. . . . has been awarded to H. T. Dawson at about $14,000."
Real Estate Transactions:
"Henrietta Perry to Arthur St Clair Perry, lot 153, Hafen tract, $10." - July 19, 1905
Reported: Los Angeles Times, June 20, 1905
Property located near 1332 Newton St., likely South East by or between E. 15th and E. 16th St.
Civic, Professional, Business Transactions
Motion picture theater in Ferndale, CA - 1898-1900 (at least) (source)
Perry Electrograph Company of California (source)
Directors: Arthur St. Clair Perry, W. Taylor, H.S. Joines, L. Perry, H.W. Pettebone
Capital Stock: $1,000,000; $25,000 contributed @ $50.
C. E. Cook Electric Company "The 'Scientific Shop'" :
Los Angeles Times, November 24, 1905
Directors of the C. E. Cook Electric Company are announced
"MORE ELECTRITY. C. E. Cook and W. J. Shugart of Whittier and Arthur St. Clair Perry of Los Angeles are the directors
of the newly-formed C. E. Cook Electric Company. The capital stock is $25,000, $60 of which has been paid in."
September 25, 1911 (unclear is ASt.CP is still involved)
Mt. Wilson Observatory writes regarding switchboard components and begins correspondence
745 South Spring Street (1911)
Robert Marsh Col.
Secretary (1907)
Takes trip to Mexico for company, gone three weeks - Los Angeles Times, August 25, 1907 (Part V, Page 16)
Only bigger for the franchise for the inclined railway, purchased for $100 - Los Angeles Evening Express, July 28, 1908; Los Angeles Daily Times (Part II, Page 2
American Sign Company
Mentioned in obituary, 1935
"He was a member of Al Malaikah shrine, Knights Templar, Scottish Rite, Signet chapter and South Gate loges of the Masons, the Jonathan and Uplifters clubs, Mayflower society Sons of the Revolution and the Alden Kindred." - Los Angeles Evening Post-Record, January 11, 1935 (Page 18).
Ballot Clerk, 95th Preceint, California elections, August 14, 1906 - Los Angeles Times, August 13, 1906 (Page 6)
Grand Jury Duty
Member of Federal grand jury for January 1907 term - Los Angeles Times, January 26, 1907 (Page 14)
Served on or before January 31, 1909 (LADT, Pt. II, p 3)
Secretary, one-year term, county grand jury (LAT, April 20, 1929, Pt. II, p. 1)
As a member of the Shriner's
Participates in the Shrine Circus, "as a bewitching country boy [who] had lemonade in exchange for nickels . . ." - Los Angeles Times, April 5, 1907 (Page 9)
Joins large bachelor party in honor of Leo Valtus Youngworth - Los Angeles Herald, February 17, 1909
As a member of the Jonathan Club
At a midwinter social event ("ladies' night at the Jonothan club") plays as part of "The Old Time Minstrel Show." Perry "rattled the bones." - Los Angeles Sunday Herald (Part II, Page 1)
As a member of the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce
"Captain" of a recruitment team in Chamber membership drive" (Los Angeles Evening Express, August 25, 1918 (Part III, Page 2)
Team "No. 20" recorded 58 new members in the drive (LAT, 8/28/18, Pt. II, p. 1)
"Till Berlin Falls" Committee was a "big was drive . . . designated to rededicate every member of the organization to national service, and to show good faith, each member will be asked to sign the 'Glory Pledge.' This commits the member to pay $25 for dues, annually, and to give his moral support to the organization."
Los Angeles Time, August 26, 1918 (Part II, Page 1)
Third District Council election, 1925
Files to run as Councilmember for the Third Councilmanic District - Los Angeles Times, March 25, 1925 (Part II, Page 5)
Perry erected billboards for his candidacy
From Shootin' Straight Comment on the News By A.Y. Tully, Los Angeles Evening Express, April 13, 1925 (Front Page):
"Arthur St. Clair Perry of the Third ward is another candidate who believes his election so important to the welfare of the city that he has had his name, in letters 18 inches high, pained upon unsightly banners which have been strung over the finest boulevards in the city.
Ask him, and he probably will tell you he is a firm believe in law enforcement and a staunch advocate of the city beautiful.
The board of public works, in fairness to other candidates in this ward who have refrained from defacing streets, to say nothing about the ordinance against this thing, should order the removal of these ugly signs at once."
From Shootin' Straight Comment on the News By A.Y. Tully, Los Angeles Evening Express, April 14, 1925 (Front Page):
"Arthur St. Clair Perry, who aspires to the city council from the Third ward, still is enjoying the exclusive privilege
of smearing his name in circus type across Wilshire and Western avenue.
Difficult to understand why the board of public works should be so interested in this particular candidate as to permit him thus to ruin the appearance of these two fine streets."
Patent for "Vehicle-signal" (1913)
Los Angeles Herald, January 24, 1903 (Page 7)
"Mysteries connected with the making of moving pictures were revelead to members of the Camera club last evening by Arthur St. Clair Perry, an expert in this line. He also presented several
vitascope films containing interesting pictures. A novel feature of the exhibition was a musical accompaniment to the moving pictures."
Notable News Paper Mentions
Los Angeles Herald, June 16, 1898:
Presence noted at Mason ceremony; George W. Merrill is also present
"Keystone chapter, No 56, R. A. M., conferred the Royal Arch degree last night
on James Day of Colton and F.W. Elwood and J.S. Warner of needles, close with a banquet at the Stewart. Those present included from abroad were Arthur St. Clair Perry of Los Angeles, J.K. Schermerhorn of New York, Charles F. Zensen , Trenton, Mo.; George W. Merrill, E.S. Gerting and Frank Hayes of Pomona, F.P. Merserve, J.A. Stone, C.M. Brown, A.W. Hatch, T.B. Reeder, J. Poundstone, W.J. Cook, R. Setchfield and J.F. Drake of Redlands."
Los Angeles Times, March 1, 1903
Classified add selling two items
"OR SALE–ONE SMALL METAL TURN-ing' lathe (No. 4 Barnes) in perfect condition; also an Edison moving picture machine and films, both bargains. ARTHUR ST. CLAIR PERRY, room 449, Stowell Blk., 226 S. Spring St."
Los Angeles Times, July 2, 1903 (Page 6)
Joins Shriner 100+ group for trip to Saratoga N.Y. for the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine
Perry's " returned from a two months' visit in eastern cities" - Los Angeles Times, (Part I, Page 12)